Asset Locations

Physical assets have a location, and often it's very useful to know where they are!

There are three ways to record an asset's location in AssetChief.

The first is a field called Location Hint in the Asset record. This field lets you enter in a brief description of where the asset resides. This is the simplest solution.

The second is geographical mapping. For this you will use your smartphone. You go to the asset, then click "Set Location" and click OK. This then grabs your current location from the GPS and sets the asset's location to match it.

Assets that have a geographical location will appear on the map view. You can see this view by going to an asset list and clicking the Map link at the top:

On the asset itself you can click the "Location" link above the asset record, and it will show you a map with just that asset on it.

Also, the map view has a "Radar" button at the top. If you click that, it will zoom into your current location - showing you the assets that are around you. This can be very useful when looking for work that needs doing in your area.

The third option is to use Floor Plans. A Floor Plan is like a map, but it's inside a building - and the map is supplied by you.

To use this feature, you'll first have to upload your floor plan. It doesn't have to be that sophisticated - you can even draw it yourself using a paint program. So long as it's roughly accurate, it'll be useful enough to help people find their assets.

You then upload that floor plan on the Location entry. You do this in the "Internal Map" area under the asset:

If you don't have one yet, you'll click the "+" under that and then click under "Blueprint" to upload the floor plan. You can give it any title you wish.

Once that's uploaded, then you go to the assets under that location. For each one, click on the "Set Internal Location" link above the record. This will show the floor plan, and let you position the asset on that map. You do this just by clicking where you want the asset to be located.

Once you've set all the asset locations, you can go back to the Location. Then click on "Floor Plan" above the record, and it should show the floor plan with all the assets positioned: