Adding Tasks

You can add a task to the Planning tab by clicking the "+" button at the top of the list.

This will bring up a form like this:

Here you can enter in the starting task state (eg. Planning, for the planning stage), the task title and the details of the task.

You can also optionally specify the asset the task relates to, and who you want the task assigned to (if anyone). Multiple assignments can be added in the Other Assignees list.

The Time Estimates section is collapsed by default, but you can easily expand it to specify the optional time estimate for the task.

You can also specify the task that this task depends on. Once that task is competed, then this task will automatically switch to being In Progress. You won't be able to mark it as starting until the other task is complete.

There's also an area for adding quotes for a particular task. If the task is outsourced, for example, then you can list the quotes there for evaluation. Then, later, you can update the task to specify the quote that was actually selected.

The Risk Assessment area is used for specify the consequential risk of the task. Here you can put the Risk Impact (a percentage that reflects the severity of impact to the asset - 100% meaning it could go offline), and the percentage probability is how likely this is to occur. This information will be used in the Risk Management report if the project is currently in progress.