Interested Parties

The Interested Parties area under the asset is for subscribing users to receive updates pertaining to the asset. Any related changes to an asset, or sub-asset, will be emailed to those listed as interested parties.

To add a new subscriber, go to the People tab under the asset, then go to Interested Parties. Then click "+":

This will bring up a form like this:

For each entry, you specify either a user or user group, and then check off the type of updates the user(s) will want to receive.

These updates arrive in the form of an email, usually with the information about the update provided in the email, and a link to view more information in the system.

To set up user groups, go to the Lists tab, then click Groups. Here you can add a user group by name, and then add all of the users underneath that group.

For example if you select "Work" then the users will be notified of new work orders that are added under the asset.

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